2月27日上午,上海交通大学第243期大师讲坛在闵行校区图书信息楼8楼举行。慕尼黑工业大学名誉校长Wolfgang A. Herrmann教授做客上海交通大学“大师讲坛”,带来主题为《Universities Today: Internationalization, Interdisciplinary Integration, and Entrepreneurship》的精彩报告。本次讲座吸引了众多交大师生,现场气氛热烈。
On February 27th, Prof. Wolfgang A. Herrmann, President Emeritus of the Technical University of Munich (TUM), attended the 243rd Master Distinguished Lecture at the Minhang Campus and delivered an insightful lecture titled University Today: International, Interdisciplinary, Entrepreneurial. The event attracted a large number of faculty members and students from the university, creating a vibrant and engaging atmosphere.
Prof. Weidong LIU, Vice President of SJTU, extended a warm welcome to Prof. Herrmann and introduced Prof. Herrmann’s outstanding contributions in the fields of chemistry and educational reform, as well as the numerous international awards he has received, including the Leibniz Prize, the Max Planck Research Award, and the Bavarian Maximilian Order for Science and Art.
Herrmann教授深入阐述了现代高等教育机构在全球化和技术创新浪潮下的发展方向。报告结合慕尼黑工业大学(TUM)的实践成果,强调国际化、跨学科整合与创业精神是引领大学未来发展的三大支柱。Herrmann教授指出,国际化是TUM自1868年建校以来的重要基因。作为欧洲顶尖的“卓越大学”,TUM已建立起覆盖全球的合作网络,其新加坡分校TUM Asia更是欧洲高校在亚洲拓展的典范。目前,TUM学生中国际生占比高达40%,多元文化背景为学术交流与创新注入活力。Herrmann教授强调:“大学必须超越地域限制,成为全球知识共享与人才培养的枢纽。”在跨学科整合方面,TUM自2006年入选德国“卓越计划”以来,始终致力于打破传统学科壁垒。Herrmann教授以该校在可持续能源、人工智能等领域的联合研究为例,说明跨学科教育如何推动颠覆性创新。“未来的科学家和工程师需具备多维度思维,才能应对气候变化、数字化转型等系统性挑战。”他进一步指出,TUM通过设立交叉学科课程和联合实验室,为学生与研究者搭建了开放协作的平台。作为欧洲最具创业活力的高校之一,TUM每年孵化约100家衍生企业,其中不乏估值超百亿美元的“十角兽”公司。Herrmann教授认为,大学应成为技术转化的引擎:“创业精神不仅关乎经济效益,更是将学术成果服务于社会的桥梁。”TUM通过创业基金、导师计划和产业合作,系统性支持师生将科研成果转化为实际应用,助力德国乃至全球的科技经济发展。在报告结尾,Herrmann教授呼吁全球高等教育机构以开放、协作与创新为核心理念,重塑大学使命。慕尼黑工业大学的实践表明,唯有深度融合国际化视野、跨学科能力与创业精神,大学才能在21世纪持续引领科学进步与社会发展。
Prof. Herrmann provided an in-depth analysis of the development direction of modern higher education institutions in the context of globalization and technological innovation. Drawing on the practical achievements of TUM, he emphasized that internationalization, interdisciplinary integration, and entrepreneurship are the three pillars guiding the future of universities. He pointed out that internationalization has been a fundamental part of TUM since its founding in 1868. As one of Europe’s top “Universities of Excellence,” TUM has established a global network of collaborations, with its Singapore campus, TUM Asia, serving as a model for European universities expanding into Asia. Currently, international students make up 40% of TUM’s student body, and this multicultural environment injects vitality into academic exchange and innovation. “Universities must transcend geographical boundaries and become hubs for global knowledge sharing and talent development,” Prof. Herrmann emphasized. Regarding interdisciplinary integration, TUM has been committed to breaking down traditional disciplinary barriers since its selection for Germany’s “Excellence Initiative” in 2006. He cited the university’s joint research in fields such as sustainable energy and artificial intelligence as examples of how interdisciplinary education drives disruptive innovation. “Future scientists and engineers must possess multidimensional thinking to address systemic challenges such as climate change and digital transformation,” he noted. TUM has established interdisciplinary courses and joint laboratories to create open and collaborative platforms for students and researchers. As one of Europe’s most entrepreneurial universities, TUM incubates approximately 100 spin-off companies annually, including several “decacorns” valued at over $10 billion. Prof. Herrmann believes that universities should serve as engines of technology transfer: “Entrepreneurship is not just about economic benefits; it is a bridge that connects academic achievements to societal needs.” Through initiatives such as venture funds, mentorship programs, and industry partnerships, TUM systematically supports faculty and students in transforming research outcomes into practical applications, contributing to technological and economic development in Germany and beyond. In concluding his lecture, Prof. Herrmann called on global higher education institutions to embrace openness, collaboration, and innovation as core principles to redefine the mission of universities. The practices of TUM demonstrate that only by deeply integrating international perspectives, interdisciplinary capabilities, and entrepreneurial spirit can universities continue to lead scientific progress and societal development in the 21st century.
Following the lecture, Prof. Weidong LIU, on behalf of SJTU, presented Prof. Herrmann with a commemorative gift and expressed heartfelt gratitude for his insightful and inspiring presentation. The event concluded amidst warm applause, marking a successful and memorable occasion.