Call for 2025 SJTU-The University of Melbourne (UoM)Joint PhD Programme

2024.11.13 1121

Objectives of the Programme:

The University of Melbourne (Melbourne) and Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) continue to develop their strategic partnership through the SJTU – Melbourne International Research Training Group (IRTG) offering opportunities of research collaboration and engagement through joint research training since 2020.

In 2024/2025, Melbourne and SJTU are calling for joint PhD proposals from all research areas to establish up to 10 joint graduate research projects, co-designed by pairs of Primary Investigators (PIs), expanding the SJTU – Melbourne IRTG. Each of these supervisory teams will receive seed funding and access funding to support a joint PhD candidate, including tuition fee waivers, a full living allowance, health insurance and relocation support.



(i)                  Joint PhD scholarships package

(ii)                Seed funds: Each applicant for this joint PhD program must first secure funding from the Seed funds. 



Application Process: To apply for the SJTU-UoM Joint PhD Programme, applicants must fulfill the admission requirements of both universities.


KEY DATES FOR 2024/2025

Call opens for proposal applications Wednesday 13 November 2024
Deadline for project proposal applications Wednesday 29 January 12:00 noon CST (Shanghai) 15:00 AEDT (Melbourne)
Announcement of successful proposals Feb-25
Joint interview and recruitment deadlines No later than 15 May 2025 (candidates need to submit application materials in the system before this deadline)
Candidates to commence Sep-25

 PhD students funded by the Seed Fund are eligible to apply for the joint PhD program to study at the University of Melbourne.

For any questions about the SJTU-UoM Joint PhD Programme, please reach out to:
International Affairs Office, Graduate School