2007年诺贝尔经济学奖得主Eric S. Maskin教授做客第151期大师讲坛

2020.07.03 8542


2020年6月30日上午,由校研究生院和安泰经济与管理学院联合主办的第151期大师讲坛迎来了哈佛大学Adams全校级教授、2007年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者埃里克·马斯金(Eric S. Maskin)教授,他向交大学子做了一场题为“机制设计理论导论”的精彩线上演讲。讲座由安泰经济与管理学院经济系戴亮副教授主持。


在Q&A环节,主持人戴亮副教授代表听众先后就“机制设计者如何处理参与者不确定性(population uncertainty)”“机制设计在政府面对不确定性时能够起到的作用”“机制设计的前沿理论及领军人物”等问题向马斯金教授进行提问,校研究生会的几位学生代表亦有幸对话大师,就学术研究心得相关的问题向教授进行了请教,教授均一一耐心解答。

最后,主持人代表全体听众向教授的到来及其精彩的演讲表示了由衷的感谢,并对给予本次活动很大帮助的协办方——Cardinal Pitch Club(CPC)和杭州图灵奖工作站致以诚挚谢意。本次讲座吸引到500余名师生观看直播,今后研究生院和安泰经管学院也将持续推出高质量的学术活动,为交大学子和校友贡献精神盛宴。


埃里克·马斯金(Eric S. Maskin)现为哈佛大学Adams全校级教授,在机制设计、博弈论、合同理论等经济理论领域有着高深的造诣。马斯金教授于1976年获得哈佛大学应用数学博士学位,1977-1984年任教于麻省理工学院,1985-2000年任哈佛大学教授,2000-2011年任普林斯顿高等研究院(IAS)讲席教授,2012年起重回哈佛大学任教至今。马斯金教授于2003年出任世界计量经济学会(Econometric Society)会长,2007年因“奠定了机制设计理论的基础”而获得诺贝尔经济学奖。马斯金教授是美国艺术与科学院院士、世界计量经济学会院士、欧洲经济学会院士以及英国国家学术院(British Academy)通讯院士。

Eric Maskin is the Adams University Professor and Professor of Economics and Mathematics at Harvard. He has made contributions to game theory, contract theory, social choice theory, political economy, and other areas of economics. He received his A.B. and Ph.D from Harvard and was a postdoctoral fellow at Jesus College, Cambridge University. He was a faculty member at MIT from 1977-1984, Harvard from 1985- 2000, and the Institute for Advanced Study from 2000-2011. He rejoined the Harvard faculty in 2012. In 2007, he was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics (with L. Hurwicz and R. Myerson) for laying the foundations of mechanism design theory.



Professor Maskin will share his research results of the 2007 Nobel Prize in Economics, the mechanism design theory. It mainly discussed how to design a program or system (i.e. mechanism) to achieve an economic or social goal. Professor Maskin will introduce some basic features of the mechanism design theory and the differences from traditional microeconomics. Then several examples will be given on how to make a fair allocation, how to allocate band licenses and how to choose public energy. Questions arise include if there is a general way of determining whether or not a given goal is implementable and if we can find a mechanism to implement it. This leads to the sufficient and necessary conditions for the implementation of the Nash equilibrium, "Maskin's countermeasure", proved by Professor Maskin in the 1977 paper "Nash Equilibrium and Welfare Optimization".

本期大师讲坛由Cardinal Pitch Club(CPC)和杭州图灵奖工作站协办。Cardinal Pitch Club(CPC)于2015年4月在斯坦福大学创立,旨在成为聚集斯坦福校友和旧金山湾区高科技精英的创业投资社区。CPC拥有2000多名会员,164家创业企业。CPC平台主要专注在人工智能、大数据、区块链、VR/AR、大健康及数字医疗、智能硬件与物联网、金融科技、网络信息安全、企业级应用等创新领域。杭州图灵奖工作站是国内首家图灵奖工作站,由杭州市滨江区政府与迪菲图灵奖团队共同挂牌建设,为数字经济领域优秀创业创新人才和团队提供导师、资金、政策等方面的支持。

Founded at Stanford in April 2015, Cardinal Pitch Club (CPC) empowers people with big dreams, ideas and a desire to pitch, and aims to build an elite community of Stanford Alumni and San Francisco Bay Area’s top talents. CPC currently has more than 2,000 members, 164 companies in the field of AI, Blockchain, AR/VR, Fintech, Healthcare, and Enterprise. Hangzhou Turing Center is the first Turing Center established in China. It is a collaboration between the Hangzhou High-Tech Zone and Cryptic Labs, providing mentor, funding, and policy support for outstanding entrepreneurs, innovative talents and startups in the digital economy area.