【大师讲坛】第224期:分子、生物和电化学协同催化 Cooperative molecular, bio-, and electrocatalysis

2024-07-02 10:00:00-11:30:00


Catalysis has an important role in green and sustainable chemistry. The notion of cooperative catalysis, whereby more than one chemical entities work together to catalyze a chemical process, has gained momentums in recent years. Such cooperative catalysis may bring in new tools in catalyst design, and may overcome limitations of single-site catalysis. In this presentation I will describe several recent examples of our work covering cooperative catalysis in the three separate domains of catalysis: molecular, bio, and hetereogeneoues (electro) catalysis. I hope to demonstrate cooperative catalysis as a universal design principle for all types of catalysts.



演讲主题:分子、生物和电化学协同催化 Cooperative molecular, bio-, and electrocatalysis
胡喜乐教授(Prof. Xile Hu),欧洲科学院院士、欧洲人文与艺术科学院院士,现任瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院正教授,上海交通大学金属基复合材料国家重点实验室客座教授,科睿唯安全球“全球高被引学者”(2017-2023年)。研究方向为金属有机催化、仿生酶催化和能源电催化。荣获瑞士国家最高科学奖——拉齐斯奖(National Latsis Prize)、瑞士绿色可持续化学奖、国际催化奖、均相催化奖、国际电化学学会 Tajima Prize等。