
2023-10-19 10:00:00-11:30:00

In recent years, recycling and upcycling of plastic wastes are recognized as emerging re-search target for academia and for industry. While polyalkylene terephthalate, often used as PET bottles, can be subjected to material recycling and polystyrene and polymethylmethacrylate can be decomposed into monomers by heating, there are many persistent plastics for which environ-mentally friendly recycling methods have not yet been established.
We recently started a project focusing on catalyst development for degradation of tough materials such as thermosetting resins repre-sented by epoxy resins and polyureas. Efficient bond cleavage allowed efficient molecular weight loss. In addition, polyolefin (a general term for polyethylene and polypropylene) which makes up about half of the total plastic production, often used for containers and packaging, is mainly recycled by gasification and oilification. Our efforts are also devoted to introduction of triggers for degradation to polyolefins by catalyst development.


Kyoko Nozaki

演讲主题:Late Transition Metal Catalysts for Polymer Synthesis and Degradation
Kyoko Nozaki教授于1991年在日本京都大学获得博士学位,导师是K.Utimpoto教授。1991至1999年在京都大学担任讲师,1999年至2002年在京都大学担任副教授,2002年至2003年任东京大学副教授,2003年至今在东京大学担任教授。Kyoko Nozaki教授在均相催化领域做出了开创性的贡献,特别在选择性合成小分子和聚合物方面。她开发了一系列用于乙烯、丙烯与极性单体的共聚反应的过渡金属催化剂,以及通过CO/烯烃共聚反应进行光学活性聚合物的不对称合成;她还发明了用于活化二氧化碳的新型催化剂,并将其纳入高附加值小分子和聚合物产物中。此外,她在研究硼酸根阴离子作为亲核试剂和过渡金属配合物配体方面做出了重要贡献。Kyoko Nozaki教授因其卓越的研究成果获得了多项重要奖项和荣誉,包括成为美国艺术与科学学院的外籍院士(2021)、欧莱雅-联合国教科文组织杰出女科学家(2021)以及获得日本政府颁发的紫绶勋章(2022)。