[Master Lecture] Issue 211: How did I get here? A journey in academia for the benefit of society and what about net zero?

2024-04-01 10:00:00-11:30:00
机械与动力工程学院A楼 高田会堂

The lecture will explore the start, growth and excitement of my academic career at Imperial College over the past 30 years, how did it develop through the different stages of academic progression? What are the learning lessons and takeaways that can be helpful to those starting, developing or already advanced on this exciting journey? This will also include a discussion of my wide experience of creating impact towards Industry and how best to manage their expectations and provide value! Finally, a technical discussion will discuss briefly the ‘The Journey towards Net Zero’ particularly in transportation systems, this will be done via the exploration of “The CO2 Equation”.


Ricardo F. Martinez-Botas

演讲主题:How did I get here? A journey in academia for the benefit of society and what about net zero?
Ricardo F. Martinez-Botas教授是英国皇家工程院院士,英国伦敦帝国理工学院机械工程系教授、副校长。Martinez-Botas教授长期致力于低碳交通领域,重点聚焦缩小排量发动机、涡轮增压、余热利用、以及储能系统等技术,在微小叶轮机非定常气动热力学方面做出了诸多开创性研究,代表了该领域最高国际水平。