【大师讲坛】第243期:University Today: International, Interdisciplinary, Entrepreneurial
Founded in 1868, Technical University of Munich (TUM) has yielded numerous scientific and technical breakthroughs, starting with Carl von Linde`s ice machine and Rudolf Diesel´s combustion engine. The future challenges of a renowned, competitive university depend on three key factors:
(1) Internationality – TUM has a strong global network including the unique branch TUM Asia in Singapore; TUM has 40 % students from abroad.
(2) Interdisciplinarity: Teaching and research across traditional disciplines, as a “Excellence University” since 2006.
(3) Entrepreneurship: Technology transfer into economy by virtue of spin-off activities; TUM presently encounters ca. 100 spin-off companies per year, as #1 in Europe, some of them ranking as world top-level “decacorns”.
Wolfgang A. Herrmann